Find out more

Select below to find out more information on the different options available to you


Discover local walking routes & find out which amenities can be reached by foot.


Whatever your cycling ability, here is some advice and top tips to keep you pedalling.

Bus Travel

Unsure on the local bus services? Here we give you all the information you need to utilise public transport.

Train Travel

Your nearest train station is Norwich. Find out more about the station, routes and discounts available.

Community Travel

If you require some extra assistance to use public transport, find out what services are available to you.

Greener Car Travel

Car travel is sometimes essential but we have some tips on how to make car journeys more economical.

Did you know...

By 2030

all cars produced will have to be electric or hybrid


minutes of walking can improve productivity by up to 40%


bicycles could fit in the same space as one car!